One of the things I love so much about Catherine is her sweet confidence in who she is and a willingness to do whatever she wants regardless of what people might think of her.
It's always been different with Ella. I am a bit ashamed to admit that there were times when I would be trying to talk Ella out of wearing a certain mismatched combination of clothing to school and I would say "well it doesn't match and it does look a bit silly but you can wear it if you want." Knowing full well that she didn't want to look silly and would be embarrassed if she did. Some of that was me protecting her because I know that she would be upset, actually mad at me, if I let her go to school and someone laughed at her outfit. She's gotten a bit stronger in that she doesn't care as much and would rather just wear what's comfortable, which I definitely prefer!
Never with Catherine. She would pick out an odd combination of clothes (not based on comfort for her, she really just wants to look beautiful!) and I would tell her that it doesn't match and looks funny and she would shrug and say "no one laughs at me". I have to admit I love her gutsiness - she likes what she likes and can't be told differently!
In honor of Catherine I am posting a few pictures highlighting her unique fashion sense! FYI - these are all from the past week or so - we've got plenty more if I dig into our photo archives!!
She put this entire outfit together, head to toe, by herself. She insisted on the red holiday sweater as well. When she showed her sister, Ella told her she looked great - such a good big sister, knowing that Catherine was proud of her outfit.
She put this outfit on the other day after school. She called it her "work outfit". Love the addition of the headphones and iPod. The best was when she went outside like that and leaned against the van and grooved to the music. Again, she's all about doing her thing!

This pink and brown outfit is probably my favorite - mostly because it's pretty coordinated. I have to admit that I helped a bit in picking this out, but I didn't anticipate the pink shoes - definitely pulled it all together!
Hope this brightened your day - how can you not smile at these pictures!!!
I love it!! I know she'll love to look back on this....hopefully she always keeps that matter how her style evolves!
great post thanks
Love it! She'd get along so well with my girls, they have similar fashion tastes.
She looks so much like you in that top picture I think (not the clothing, but her face)
I read this at work and had to contain my laughter. I'm not just laughing at the outfit, and I'm not laughing in a malicious way, but the combination of the outfit, Catherine's cute little smile, and your commentary was too much for me. Excellent post! She's too cute!
Really enjoyed these fashion pics of Catherine. I just hope she doesn't grow up to question your parenting in allowing her to dress like this!! Maybe that just happens with hair styles, glasses, ect. Love the confidence she displays!!
She's so cute and this post certainly made me smile! What a little fashionista you have on your hands!! I echo Courtney...hope her confidence stays with her always!
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