So there is no way I can catch up on the past few months - I still hope to, but man, blogging just has fallen off the radar for me a bit. I still really enjoy reading yours though!! I think the hardest post is the welcome back post after an unintentional hiatus. So this is it, the put on your shoes and get out the door post....using a running metaphor!
This fall flew by at warp speed. We started school. We went to Disney and the week of our lives. We coached and played soccer. Each of these events deserves its own detailed post. I'd like to think that will happen some day. Didn't say it will.
I lead a Bible study, organized a nonprofit event and taught Sunday school. Matt ran around like crazy, trying to keep his many many plates spinning. He started building our outdoor kitchen area (you know, in all his free time). We had our big annual fall
fest, biggest one yet, and people got to admire the half finished outdoor kitchen area.
Ella excelled in reading and grew frustrated in math. Catherine loves Kindergarten and her prereading skills are taking off!
We went trick or treating with the girls as Princess Leia and Queen Amidala from Star Wars. Thank you Disney World for turning my girls into Star Wars fans!
The teachers and parents knew who they were more than the students.
Someone even called "I love you Princess Leia!"

I still read tons of books and have become a bit of Young Adult junkie! It's just so fun and easy to read, but every now and then I mix it up and read something matur
e and somber like Still Alice.
Catherine lost her first two teeth with no drama at all. We weren't expecting this because it creates such fear in Ella. Catherine pulled one out on her own and popped the other one out opening a water bottle at school. She was quite pleased with herself - Ella agreed that losing a tooth at school would be a big no no for her. Ahhh my two unique girls!
toothless Catherine
We had our second big church community Christmas celebration (called Joy) and then the day after Ella turned eight! How is it possible that she is eight years old? She had a fashion/makeover party that was so much fun, especially because I had a group of friends there helping with the makeovers. That definitely deserves a post because there are so many fun pictures.
We enjoyed a wonderful month celebrating Advent. Every morning the kids beg to go open the Advent calendar and Catherine kindly suggested that I put in the activity the night before. Imagine that!! I think my favorite activity was family game night when we played Christmas charades. The kids chose hard things like "Santa Baby, Hurry down the chimney tonight" (Ella) and "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas "(Catherine). For local friends, can you tell we listen to a lot of B101? And Mariah Carey Christmas Pandora station.
The hardest part is ending a very disjointed and random post. There's no real way to tie it up. So I'll post some pictures!
random October snowstorm - that's all Catherine wants right now
and she keeps wishing we could have pushed this snowstorm back a few months

getting ready to dance at Joy - love her beautiful smile!

look closely, can you tell I'm a Star Wars fan too....
glad you're back! excited to see you soon!
Great job recapping all that you guys have been up to, Megan! That is a blogger's most daunting task getting that first been gone so long post up! Now that its up, go with the momentum! :-)
I've been reading a lot of YA books it wrong that I just love getting through them so quickly? I mean, I've found some of them enjoyable and since I finish so few things in a timely manner, it makes me so happy to say I'm finished with a book. (Unless of course, I have that "it's so good I don't want it to end" kind of feeling like I had with The Help. Totally loved that book.)
Your girls look as pretty and cute as ever and are just growing like weeds! Do you realize how long you've been blogging? My goodness, I went to the archives from your first year (cause I'm a creeper like that) and its so neat to see how your family has grown and changed and how your personality has emerged.
Okay, so 2012 will bring lots of posts for us creepers to keep satisfied with so we can stay out of your archives. Right? Right.
Merry Christmas!
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